
Do you need time-saving cooking tips that can help you get through the dinner preparation without sacrificing the nutritional values of the foods? Click here.

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tips for reducing dinner prep for crazy schedules

I have a crazy schedule that limits the amount of time that I have each evening to prepare healthy, tasty meals for my family. Between my work schedule and the kids' extracurricular activities, I have roughly one hour to prepare and feed my family. I have worked with a group of mothers that share the same crazy schedule that I do. We have come up with several time-saving tips that can help you get through the dinner preparation process much more quickly without sacrificing the nutritional values of the foods that you serve to your family each and every crazy evening.


Top Reasons To Reduce Your Sugar Intake And Consume Alternatives

15 December 2016
Food & Cooking, Articles

For many people, warnings about the dangers of sugar on dental health have been have been ingrained in the mind since childhood. These warnings are backed by scientific proof that too much sugar consumption leads to tooth decay. Excess sugar can also cause a host of other medical problems. However, reducing your sugar consumption is easier said than done especially if you are a foodie and love to cook. If you are struggling to lower your sugar intake and need some motivation and guidance, the following primer on how sugar can be a detriment to your health may inspire you to take action and consider ways to help curb your sugar consumption. Read More …

Make Your Own Tea K-Cups! A Tea For Every Occasion

13 January 2016
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Articles

Keurig machines may have been designed for brewing coffee, but they do an excellent job of making tea, too. Rather than buying numerous tea k-cups (which can get pretty expensive and generate a lot of waste), consider making your own tea k-cups using a refillable k-cup and a range of ingredients you can buy at most grocery stores. You can make a tea for every occasion. Chamomile Orange Tea: Promotes relaxation and sleep, and soothes achy muscles. Read More …

4 Suggestions For Planning A Quinceañera Menu

10 November 2015
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Articles

Your daughter's quinceañera is an important event in her life, and you'll want to make sure that it's an event to remember. Planning the quinceañera can be overwhelming, though. Getting the menu settled can take a lot of the weight off of your shoulders and clear your plate so that you can focus on other aspects of the party planning. Your favorite local Mexican restaurant is a good place to start when you're looking for a caterer. Read More …

5 Pieces of Restauant Equipment for Your New Italian Restaurant

7 October 2015
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Articles

If you are new to the Italian restaurant business, what type of restaurant equipment supplies will you buy? It's a given you'll need the basics such as a refrigerator and pizza oven. Less obvious (yet equally important) supplies you'll need may include pizza and pasta preparation equipment, as well as meat grinders, sandwich grills and tomato slicers. Here are five essentials to look for as you venture into the Italian restaurant business: Read More …

5 Tips For Serving Beverages At An Outdoor Wedding

1 September 2015
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Articles

Do you want your guests to enjoy a chilled glass of rosé while you say your wedding vows? Maybe a park or other outdoor venue seems perfect for your reception, but you have no access to refrigerators. Serving cold drinks at a summer wedding can create a perfect experience for you and your guests, but it can be difficult if your venue of choice is outside, away from electricity and easy cold storage. Read More …